It is open!!!!!!!! Finally, after months of hard work at the Confluence building, the coffee house is now open. The volunteers worked hours painting, scraping, laying carpet, pulling wires, falling through the ceiling, laying tile, building cabinets/countertops, hauling trash, mowing, etc.... The names who contributed are many, but the glory belongs to God for the wonderful transformation that has occurred in this building.
Our first two days at the beach were wonderful. Lots of sun and calm water. We let the kids play without worrying too much that they would drift off to Africa in a rip tide. We spent a lot of time on the beach those two days, and most of us needed a break from the sun. So, we drove into Southport and caught the ferry over to Ft. Fisher. I had done this with my students on our tour of the coast this March, but no one else in the Tuck family had been on the ferry before. We were lucky that we didn't have to wait too long for the ferry- sometimes you have to wait two or three trips worth of cars in order to get a place. The ride was wonderful and the kids loved being out on the water for a little while.
We have returned from paradise... or at least as close as we can get this side of the Pearly Gates! The Flynt girls and our families all spent a glorious week at Oak Island and had a fantastic time. This was our first full week together. We've done shorter trips before, but not a full week of "togetherness". It was awesome to see all 5 of the kids play together and to spend some time with Meredith and Micah. We live only three streets away, but we don't see nearly enough of each other.
Our week began last Saturday as we loaded up everything you could possibly need for a week at the beach and then some into Nana's van and headed southeast. We had to make a stop at Radio Shack for batteries, at Nana's house for a water bottle and then a short trip back home to get my cell phone, which actually ended up being on silent in the bottom of my purse! Ever have one of those crazy starts to a vacation that you begin to think if you will ever actually leave town??? Our trip was long- as you can imagine that traveling with 2 kids for 4 hours would be, but we survived. I even got to put my Girl Scout/Social Studies teacher skills to work as I had to read the atlas to get us around several traffic tie ups along the way. We pulled into Lowes Food at 4:30 to pick up our Lowes Food to Go order (If you haven't tried this luxury, it is worth it for those special times when you either don't have the time to shop for yourself or the sanity to do it with small children in tow.) Did I mention that we left at 10:25 Saturday morning? BUT, we made it in one piece.
I'll post things about our trip as the week goes on, but I did upload the slideshow of the highlight pictures. I'll try to get to other highlights soon!
Off to do my homework... my workshop for school assigned 50+ pages of reading for tonight to be discussed tomorrow. There are only 7 people total in the class, so I guess it would be pretty obvious if I don't at least skim pretty well.
Got a few thoughts bouncing around inside my head and I wanted to get them out. So, here they are.
1. Why do some people have to be so negative about things all the time?
I have been conducting training classes at work all week. We've got between 25 and 30 people doing the same job, but no one does it the same way. There's no standard procedure for that individual tasks that they do on a weekly basis. That's not very good when you're trying to train a new employee, or if you have someone who changes teams (which we had this week).
So, my department has spent the better part of the last 6-8 weeks meeting with representatives from each team to find out how people on their team do things and getting suggestions on how to make things better, run smoother, or save time. We took their suggestions and drew up what we called "Best Practices" and we unveiled them to the staff this week.
My class on Monday was great. They had a few questions, but nothing that I couldn't answer (or find out the answer). But my classes on Tuesday and Wednesday couldn't have been more opposite. The negativity and resistance to any kind of change in procedure or process was blatantly obvious. If it wasn't smirks and dirty looks glaring back at me, it was questions being asked with a tone of voice that didn't hide the fact that they weren't happy. After going over one of the biggest changes (which I thought would have received the most positive feedback), I was asked, "You mean now I have to walk from this room to that room?" Ummmm, yeah. You have to walk your lazy butt from one room to another to make copies. Is that too much to ask? Maybe it was.
I realize that some people don't handle change that well. I'm one of them. I don't like change. Not to the point that I fear it, but I do like my routines a lot. But I also know that when things change (especially at my job), I don't push back and resist. I suck it up and do it because it's my job and that's what I need to do. I also don't backbite and badmouth the person who asked me to make the change. But that's me. Maybe I'm just a different breed of cat.
2. Journey - Can You Tell the Difference?
I bought my first CD in who-knows-how long the other night. It's the new CD by Journey, called "Revolution". It's a 3-disc set with one disc of new material, one disc of their classic hits re-recorded with their new lead singer, Arnel Pineda, and a third disc - a DVD of Journey in concert. I'll be honest - I haven't even listened to the new stuff yet. I put in the "classics" CD and was amazed. If I didn't know that Journey had a new lead singer, I'd have sworn that it was Steve Perry singing. This new guy sounds just like him! The songs sound great. They're touring this summer with Heart and Cheap Trick. Might be a good show.
3. Guitar Hero or Rock Band?
Graham and I got a PS2 for Christmas and we both have enjoyed playing it. He loves to play games like Meet the Robinsons, Larry-Boy and the Case of the Bad Apple, and The Incredibles. Mostly, I love the sports games. I took my Virginia Tech Hokies through the college football season undefeated and beat those couch-burners from West Virginia in the national championship. I've got the Pittsburgh Steelers at 17-0 and one game away from the Super Bowl (Roethlisberger threw for 60 TD's - including being injured for the last 2.5 games of the regular season. And Heath Miller catches EVERYTHING thrown his way!)
But I want one of the music games, and I can't decide whether to get Guitar Hero or Rock Band. So, any input on which one is better is appreciated. I looked at the songlists for the new GH game featuring Aerosmith and for RB. Both have good songlists, but I think Rock Band has more songs that I know/like. I'd love to see an 80's version like GH did. So, which one should I get?
That's all the randomness for tonight. Peace out, homeys!!!

Tonight, Graham and Karis were watching an episode of "Blue's Clues" on Noggin tonight about dressing up. In the last year or so, Graham had gotten away from watching shows like this to watching shows on Disney Channel or shows about superheroes. But, lately, as Karis has begun watching these shows, he will watch them with her.
So, tonight, as they are watching this, he has this idea to dress up like they are on the show. He goes upstairs and soon comes back down with his bathing suit on and matching flip-flops. He says he's dressed like a guy ready for the beach!! Then he heads back upstairs, changes into another costume and asks me to make a mask for him (out of a cut-off leg from an old pair of sweatpants, no less). So, I cut out some eyeholes and a hole for his nose, and he puts on the "mask". I asked him who he was.....well, let's let Graham tell you who he is.
He had to make sure that he had the right color top and bottom (red and blue) to be Optimus Prime. Too funny!!
We have put it off long enough... Karis has finally moved into the "big girl" bed! We spent most of the morning yesterday and about 2 hours this afternoon reorganizing Karis' room from the drawers to the furniture. We built up the excitement about her getting a big girl bed in hopes that she would be comfortable with the removal of her "bars".
We have been working on our BLOG for about the past week off and on once the kids went to sleep. We toyed with a variety of different templates (several of those were a BEAR to deal with) and finally got things just about how we wanted them. No matter what we do, we can't get rid of that DANG DASH up there. Hours have been spent working within the blogger template as well as scouring the html/css code to see if we can get rid of it. NO LUCK!
Last night as I was rebuilding the site (we deleted it and started over from scratch in an effort to ditch the dash!), I recalled a sermon Joey gave about a month ago about making the DASH between our date of birth and date of death count. I have received the email story about the DASH several times in addition to hearing the sermon on it, and I began to think that perhaps that DASH was there on our page to remind us of that message. No matter what we did, we couldn't get rid of it. It was there to stay.
Each time I pull up the page to look over what we have done, that DASH is staring me in the face. Each time someone visits our page, that DASH will be there looking at them as well. When I look at the page now, I am reminded that each day I have choices to make on how I live my life. When they engrave my headstone at the end of my life, I want there to be a giant, fat, crazy-big DASH on there so that all who pass it will know that I squeezed every last drop out of life and that I did my best to love others with the grace and love that God has shown to me.
So what is the DASH for on our page?? Trust me, it wasn't designed by us to be there, but I think that perhaps God had a plan for it's stubborn presence in our title. After loathing it for almost a week now, I have come to embrace it and use it to remind me of my choices in life.
We hope that you will see that DASH and think of how you are filling that space between your birth and death. We hope that each of you are living your lives to the fullest and that most importantly, your life is filled with the love of God.
Who knows, we may start at trend of DASHes in blog titles ... I doubt it, but since we can't get rid of ours, we've decided to love it!
I'm not usually one who is concerned with what everyone else is doing... usually because I know I don't have the means to keep up with the latest and newest and bestest (as Graham used to say). But lately, lots of our friends have joined the blog community and we have enjoyed keeping up with them through this online community. As we make the trekk to Virginia less and less with the kids getting older and more involved on the weekends, this will also give them a window into the NC Tuck's lives. As many of you know, I am a huge fan of scrapbooking and this may be the scrapbooking of the 21st Century- my kids may one day read back through the archives of our website to remember things about their childhood. Who knows???!!!
So, I guess that we are joining the "Jones" in the BLOG world. I hope that those of you who stop by will find some humor in the crazy lives we lead. May our craziness bless you in some way each time you peep in!