We have put it off long enough... Karis has finally moved into the "big girl" bed! We spent most of the morning yesterday and about 2 hours this afternoon reorganizing Karis' room from the drawers to the furniture. We built up the excitement about her getting a big girl bed in hopes that she would be comfortable with the removal of her "bars".

Zane found that it was MUCH easier to convert the crib to a toddler bed than it was to change it from Graham's toddler bed back into a crib when Karis came along. I had braced myself for an afternoon of calming his nerves and dealing with frustration, but we were blessed with a quick and easy change over! Thank the LORD!!!! : )

Once things were in place, Karis of course needed to try it out. She invited Graham to join her and he read a few books to her.
Actually going to bed when the time arrived, was a little different. She DID NOT want to sleep in that bed. Daddy came up to chat for a while to help ease the stress. Karis and I ended up rocking for a while before she was ready to go to sleep, but she is quiet so far. We hope that she will stay happy through the night. More on that tomorrow!!!


The Smittys said...

YAY!!! Welcome! This is great! Good job Karis! Elizabeth can celebrate with you this week!

Shay said...

GIRL - do not get me started on beds!! It will be a huge post on my blog one day....

The pics of them in the bed together are really cute!

Sherry said...

oh how sweet! Coen also made the transition to big boy bed this year -- actually it's a little blue race card bed. Big sis helped him get adjusted to it by having a sleepover. Aren't siblings great? :)