I'm not usually one who is concerned with what everyone else is doing... usually because I know I don't have the means to keep up with the latest and newest and bestest (as Graham used to say). But lately, lots of our friends have joined the blog community and we have enjoyed keeping up with them through this online community. As we make the trekk to Virginia less and less with the kids getting older and more involved on the weekends, this will also give them a window into the NC Tuck's lives. As many of you know, I am a huge fan of scrapbooking and this may be the scrapbooking of the 21st Century- my kids may one day read back through the archives of our website to remember things about their childhood. Who knows???!!!
So, I guess that we are joining the "Jones" in the BLOG world. I hope that those of you who stop by will find some humor in the crazy lives we lead. May our craziness bless you in some way each time you peep in!
3 years ago
I love the name. Leave up to you to do something so cute. My idea of keeping of with the "Jones" is generic...as you can see by looking at our blog. As soon as I get time I hope to get up there. I love the house, it is just adorable.
The name is so appropriate! One thing you left out in your description was teacher, at which you are the bestest, to paraphrase Graham and Raven. You know I will never be able to create a blog for our family; therfore, I will enjoy yours. I even had trouble registering in order to leave this message. Ah, youth! Embrace it while yuo can. Enjoy the rest of the summer - it is passing so quickly. Love, Connie
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